When it rains, it pours! Life has kept me so busy that I have not had time or energy to post anything for a while.
Trent and I attend a Wednesday night Bible Study at a dear friend's house. We have been studying the Sanctuary and how every aspect of it points to Jesus! Last night, we wrapped up the subject and I had an epiphany. We talked a little about the wide and narrow paths. Growing up, the narrow path scared me to death. I was under the understanding that the way to stay on the narrow path was by being like Jesus, doing good. It was something that I had to DO. Last night, however, I realized that the only reason why the path is narrow, is because there is only one way to Heaven; Jesus! In Ellen White's vision of God's people on the narrow path, there are people walking on the path, and there are people falling off the path. The only way that it was possible for people to fall off was by what? Taking their eyes off Jesus. It is by focusing our lives, our eyes, on Jesus, that we are saved. I can not earn my way to Heaven by trying my hardest to be Christ-like. I realized that the more I spend time with Jesus, the more HE is going to change my character. He is going to return me to His likeness.
And then I realized that for months, I have been neglecting the only thing that matters. I have found my patience thin, my self-image out of control, my attitude lacking. I have felt as though I was spinning out of control and it's no wonder. I have been making excuses for not spending even 5 minutes a day with Jesus. Well, last night, I decided that I needed to put self aside. I need Him to refocus my life; make me the example I need to be for my sons.
And so here I sit, recommitting my life with one focus; Jesus. He will refine my imperfections. He will bless my 5 minutes.
I have decided that in my studies, I want to focus on cross and what Jesus did for me. I am going to be looking up words pertaining to the cross ( i.e. cross, blood, death, etc.) in the concordance and I am going to be looking up, verse by verse, all the verses that pertain to that word. Then after reading one verse, I am going to make a faith statement, claiming the benefits of the cross. The Bible is full of promises, statements full of hope, and truths that we so easy overlook. As I do this, it is my hope to blog about it each step of the way. Even if no one reads my posts, I have found that if I can journal about what I am studying then it sticks with me longer and I have a better understanding. But, maybe there is someone out there that would like to take this journey with me. A cyber Bible study per se. I would love to have your input and to see how God is working in your lives as well. I believe there is power in uplifting each other with POSITIVE stories of encouragement.
I am very excited about this new adventure we are about to embark upon. I am convinced that our lives will never be the same!
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