Monday, January 30, 2012

It begins with me!!

It wasn't until my second son was born that I realized that I needed to make a change. I was always tired; of course chasing a two year old and having a newborn has a tendency of doing that to you. I found my self eating whatever sounded good and snacking often. The baby weight I had gained wasn't coming off as quickly as I would have liked and I just didn't have the motivation to do anything about it. I felt like everything was slipping out of my grasp; my body, my health, my house, my marriage, my spiritual life, and most importantly, me. I realized how taxing being a stay-at-home mom could be! Everybody and everything had to come first before myself.

I wouldn't change being able to stay at home with my boys for anything in the world. But, I realized that my grip on life was strongly related to the environment around me. When my house was messy, I felt overwhelmed and would decide that doing nothing was better than taking action. I found myself always making excuses as to why my house looked the way it did, why supper time came and I was still in my pajamas, why I was too tired to get out of the house and socialize, why I would rather not answer the door when someone was there because I was too embarrassed about the way I looked. But, the motivating factor that really made me look at myself was my boys. I realized that they were looking to me as an example of how to live. That's when I decided that a change must be made! It was time for me to say goodbye to my old way of life, and open my heart to the person God wants me to be. So here I am, embarking on a journey that both excites and frightens me all at the same time.
It's time to make healthier food choices, it's time to take charge of the clutter in my life and simplify my way of living. It's time to give God the time he deserves; the time I deserve. It's time to turn off the daily distractions that muffle the voice of the God I so desperately need. It's time to spend more quality time with my boys and husband. It's time to say goodbye to PJ's at Noon. It's time for me to start doing things that make me truly happy. This is the new me! This time the cost is great, but the reward will be greater! A healthier family that is not only more in tune with God, but also with each other! It begins with me!!


  1. Sweet Katie,
    I'm on my late lunch break and was reading your blog. I am beyond proud of you. All I could think while reading it was how I wish I had made the decision earlier in my years to change habits. I am now going to be 50 soon and I'm overweight and miserable about myself. Hang in there. Start now while you are young because trust me, it only gets more difficult.
    Love you,
    ~ Sharon

    1. Oh Sharon, you are sooo sweet! It's never to late to make a change! The only way I can do this is with God's help!
